The Three Aspens Mill by Lowell Ross-Colorado
Kit Design and Mfg. by Dwain Wright
This structure was build by Lowell Ross, and published in Narrow Gauge and Short Line Gazette, and has been shown elsewhere.
It was designed after an existing mill in the Colorado mountains, long abandoned, yet complete. The original designer of
this beautiful model-Lowell Ross, has given us exclusive permission to manufacture this kit in several scales-O, S, HO. This
kit will be offered in several sub assemblys in both a stationary kit and a operational kit. Our job, is to redesign the mill
into a buildable kit for those with average building skills, which means to some extent simplifying and and re-drawing original
drawings into assembly drawing easily understood, with assembly photographs and step by step procedures.
We are in the process of designing and building the structures to do assembly drawings from for the kit builder, if you
have an interest in this kit, please let us know-Dwain and Laifong
